This past week marked the second annual #CWSMILES initiative. Run by a group of dedicated cavalier enthusiasts, #CWSMILES was organized to raise school spirits, support students in finding life-balance and promote inclusivity. Each day had a different designated theme, with Wednesday being dedicated to Anti-Bullying Day! Students were encouraged to sport pink shirts and accessories on Wednesday for “Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day”. Collingwood aims to be a supportive environment, and by wearing pink students showed their support in eradicating bullying.
The history of “Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day” stems from the efforts of two incredible high school students in Nova Scotia. After having witnessed a boy in their school be bullied for wearing a pink shirt, David Sheppard and Travis Pearce decided to take a stand against this intolerance. They organized a high-school protest where they handed out pink shirts to everyone in order to support the boy being harassed. Their message was to take a stance against bullying – something that affects nearly 65% of Canadian High-Schoolers. “Pink Shirt Day” is now celebrated across Canada, uniting people in supporting the eradication of bullying. It is evident that we need to come together and support those who are suffering from harassment and end this vicious cycle – Pink Shirt Day is a wonderful initiative, which does just that.
Collingwood Cavaliers continued to show their support in putting an end to intolerance and bullying by enthusiastically participating in the 2016’s “Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day”. The halls were teaming with students donning their pink shirts and accessories. We look forward to continuing to support “Pink Shirt Day” again next year and promoting the inclusive environment at Collingwood!
By: Kristin Falk