I open my eyes
Look out my window
Another year
Another day
With people, I don’t really like
With fake smiles
Don’t be impolite
Proximity is why we’re friends
Not because you like me
But because there was no one else
Everyone already paired up
Late to the game
Were what’s left
Stuck together
If we lived in different towns
In different cities
In different countries
In different lives
And we found each other
Would we be friends or foes
Allies or enemies
Would you be here
By my side
If someone else asked you to sit with them
Would you be here
If there were a couple hundred more
If there was just one more
Would you be here
I wasn’t your first choice
But you’re still stuck with me
Were partners
Put together by the seating plan
Put together by proximity
So why can’t I just smile
And pretend you want to be here
Why can’t I just be happy that you are here
Before your gone
Why am I stuck thinking that you would rather be anywhere else
Then right here
With me
That you would rather be beside someone else
Than beside me
Another day
another year
You smile that fake smile
You reserve the real ones for your real friends
And I am stuck pretending that that’s your real smile
When we both know it isn’t
Another day
another year
you laugh your fake laugh
That couldn’t cut the tension even if it tried
And I’m stuck pretending that it did
Another day
another year
With your interest your fake interest
While you’re seething behind my back
Rolling your eyes
And I’m stuck pretending That you care
When we both know you don’t
I wasn’t your first choice
I wasn’t even your last
I was your evenifyouwerethelastpersononearthIwouldratherdie choice
yet here we are
And I open my eyes
And Lookout my window
And the years blur together
And the days march on
With my friends
My proximity friends