ollowing their final food packing session on December 4th 2014, the Collingwood Backpack Buddies team decided to end the year by selling food bags at a local supermarket this past weekend. On Saturday December 13th, a group of Collingwood students devoted their time to selling food bags at Save-On-Foods at Park and Tilford in North Vancouver. Save-On-Foods is a proud sponsor of the program and sells food at cost to Backpack Buddies, thus maximizing the quantity of food that can be donated. They were tremendously successful in selling in excess of 105 bags of food (raising $1050); a true testament to the hard work and dedication of the Backpack Buddies members.
With enthusiasm, persistence and aid from the “holiday spirits reigning in peoples’ hearts”, Collingwood was able to sell numerous food bags. These food packages will be donated to the students of Grandview Elementary – a school that Collingwood School services with its Backpack Buddies initiatives. Although this was not the first occasion on which Collingwood Backpack Buddies initiatives have reached out into local supermarkets, this event was by far the most successful. Unlike previous occasions where students were unable to deliver their donations in person, Collingwood will be able to deliver this event’s donations directly to the students at Grandview Elementary. With over one thousand dollars in donated food, Collingwood Backpack Buddies will make a substantial holiday contribution to Vancouver children in need.
Food donations from this past weekend’s efforts, together with Backpack Buddies’ final “Christmas packing”, will go towards feeding the hungry children of the Vancouver downtown eastside. Once school is back after the holiday break, the Backpack Buddies program at Collingwood School will resume and there will be a food collection day on Wednesday January 21st. This will be a House Spirit Day, where students will be able to dress up and support their House Colour by bringing in ten dollars or ten dollars worth of food. The list of requested items is displayed below.
Backpack Buddies is on the road to another year of success and wants to thank students for your continued support of this important program at Collingwood! Happy Holidays and remember to save the date: January 21, House Spirit Day, Bring in $10 and Support Backpack Buddies!Kr
By: Kristine Falck