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Check Out CCMP – Collingwood’s Career Mentorship Program

A wonderful addition to Collingwood’s roster of organizations has been the new student led initiative CCMP. Founded by grade 10 student Samir Damji and run by a dedicated group of grade ten and eleven students, CCMP – Collingwood’s Career Mentorship Program – has had an immensely successful start.

Since September, members have been working towards establishing a broad network of mentors for Collingwood students. CCMP’s mission is to help expose students to careers and provide support during that selection process.

According to founder Samir Damji, “Many high school students have an idea as to where their interests lie: be it in the sciences, arts, humanities, or business – but are unaware of what specific careers they may be interested in. CCMP will address this void by allowing students to engage in a customized mentorship program that will link students with a specific mentor of their choice.” The CCMP members wish to lessen students uncertainty by connecting students directly with professional resources.

Although Collingwood students already have access to a world class University Guidance program, the career mentorship exposure provided by CCMP is essential in allowing students to determine what avenues they wish to pursue in life. The mentorship with CCMP allows students to hone in on their areas of intended careers in order to determine if that is where there passion lies.

Having diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, the CCMP mentors will provide such a wealth of information to students seeking personal career counseling. From doctors to engineers to lawyers, CCMP has already established a large network of over 50 professionals from not only Vancouver but from across the country. These mentors will not only serve as advisors to students, but they will also expose students to various careers and aid them in gaining job-shadowing experience, a truly invaluable opportunity.”

The fruits of CCMP’s hard work will be officially unveiled at their first event later this year. It will encompass speeches from mentors, as well as provide students with the opportunity to meet some CCMP mentors. Additionally, it will help foster relationships between students and career advisors, as well as enable students to acquire a better understanding about what career options they have. Through its hands-on structure, CCMP is a prized program that will undoubtedly flourish and become a Collingwood staple.

All students are welcomed to participate and learn more about this program and its affiliates. Students are encouraged to contact CCMP at if they wish to be paired with a career mentor. Make sure you do not miss out this wonderful opportunity; it is never too early to start planning your career!

If you have any questions about this program, be sure to ask any of the CCMP representatives listed below.

Grade 10: Samir Damji (founder), Eva Cai, Katie Harris, Peter Konigsmann, Spencer Loren, Casey Thomas Burns, Louise Tan, Lillian Xu

Grade 11: Kristine Falck, Angela Zhao

Teachers: Ms. DousettBy: Kristine Falck

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